These free assessments are "conversation starters" for creators and innovators of all kinds. Do you agree or disagree with the results? How might tools such as these help develop awareness of your unique abilities to create and innovate and/or become a social entrepreneur?
There are many assessments, free and pricey, available on the market representing varying levels of psychometric reliability and validity. Here are a few so that you can begin to explore topics of human attributes that relate to success across endeavors - whether you are looking for your dream job, figuring out how to start a business or deciding your role in how to make the world a better place, these tools are available to you for free.
Ideally, this type of assessment is accompanied by conversations with a professional coach or career counselor, but within the humanistic perspective of psychology people are capable of gaining insights on our own. Decide for yourself ... are these useful to you and/or would you like to meet to discuss your results and consider other assessments that might be even more meaningful to you?
Holland Code Career Tests at
Brief Strengths Test from UPENN (must create a login/other positive psychology tests here, too!)
Multiple Intelligences from LiteracyWorks
Entrepreneurship from
Emotional Intelligence by
Big Five Personality by OpenSourcePsychometrics
Creativity by TestMyCreativity
Copyright © 2018 Dr. Caron Sada - CaronsArt - All Rights Reserved.
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