Current Iterations Available!
After more than a decade of investing in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) initiatives, I tied that up in a bow in November 2024; being in Nantes and Paris for the International Effectuation Conference was definitely a beautiful and symbolic pivot ... I haven't abandoned those interests, but I'll engage when invited without hoping for (expecting?) learning/change and Meaningful Results (ASCC) in higher education. It's a passive approach to replace what was formerly proactive ...
More of love, more with love, more about love ... the arts and culture are my present and future (i.e., For Each of Us/All of Us in ASCC). As 2025 begins, I'm especially focused on how to model patience when confronted with individuals in power who do not leverage that power into Meaningful Results (ASCC). I'm reminding myself that within ASCC, 21st/22nd Century Leaders (or ELCs) are described as "generous, courageous, humble learners with a bias toward action." This reflective time is a good opportunity for me to challenge myself to practicing what I preach.
More thinking/feeling and the process of arting (a look at Love as a Behavioral Quality through multiple perspectives)
2024-2025? Going bigger with clay (and starting more watercolors again) as I see/feel/perceive arts initiatives as being more likely of learning/change (i.e., organically iterative) when compared to common initiatives titled "innovation" and "entrepreneurship" and "futurist thinking/behavior" ~
Everyone, Everything Tells a Story ... and More ~ this one includes Frida ~
With an affinity for circles, each unique Meditation Circle is a tangible, touchable invitation to wellbeing and peace through reflection.
Watercolors, acrylics, pastels, crayons, digital tools, storytelling and ... ceramics ~ so many ways that art can contribute to improved emotional states and explore/express meaning. Without telling us what to think, this application of art gives us opportunities to gain new insights and have conversations with ourselves/each other where we can compare and contrast our meaning making ... opportunities to co-create better circumstances for each of us and for all of us.
Throughout our days, we attribute meaning to places, things, people and situations. Often this meaning-making we engage in happens without our awareness or purposeful cognition. Yet, cognitive reappraisal, or taking another look, is one of many ways to gift ourselves a moment, or a mindset, of wellbeing and peace regardless of what is happening around us.
We have the ability to choose the meaning we notice in our daily lives.
Whether we describe our purposeful action as meditating, opening our heart and mind, refocusing, resting or praying, these are proactive life skills with potential to improve our daily quality of life, increase our resilience and fuel our ability to make a positive difference in the lives of other people, too.
We have the ability to create encouragement in our daily lives.
The Meditation Circles ~
Hard lines and gentle curves
Holding shapes within shapes and shadows that push forth light
Fresh Air. Nature. Simplicity.
Accessible Beauty
Wellbeing and Peace
The Meditation Circles remind me of some favorite places for cognitive reappraisals …
Experiencing the shapes, colors and textures of stones peeking up through flowers and foliage on a hike or glistening in shallow water calling to be touched help me choose meaning, encouragement and a sense of wellbeing/peace. I’m especially reminded of stones shaped by streams, lakes and coves of Puget Sound in Washington State and the colors and cool water of Oak Creek in Sedona, Arizona.
Washington gave me my roots. Before I moved away, I wished for sunshine and took for granted being hugged by green forests, lakes and rivers … and skipping rocks on the beaches of Olympia, Gig Harbor and Bellingham with my family and friends.
I didn’t really notice Washington beauty until I moved to Arizona and experienced the desert. With plenty of the sunshine I had hoped for, now I was able to love the fragrances of rain at every elevation and appreciate nature’s multiple perspectives on beauty.
What are your favorite places to find meaning and encouragement - wellbeing and peace? How might art contribute to more wellbeing and peace?
Might this also be related to The Art and Science of Culture Change (ASCC)? Yes. If we choose meaning and find encouragement leading to more wellbeing and a sense of peace, this could also lead to more generosity, courage, humility, learning and willingness to take action and, through co-creation, we could more easily iterate toward culture(s) for each of and for all of us … Everything is Connected ~ Everything.
Art and Making
As I create each Meditation Circle, I let my mind wander about what matters most ~ I started with an affinity for circles and this is what they became/are becoming … and the glaze effects, like life, are influenced but not controlled.
These Meditation Circles are symbols of meaning making and encouragement in everyday life and an invitation to wellbeing and peace. Tangible. Touchable.
I keep 3 in a pot of flowers by my front door ~ what might you do with one or two of your own?
And ... have you heard about the MiCha yet? There is a story of iteration and surprises ... if you are curious, please send a note through Contact Us on this webpage.
There is opportunity around us to see meaning that we have missed; when we notice that which is already connected (but had been invisible to us), we can avoid unintended consequences and leverage opportunities that lead to more of what we hope for ~
This series offers words and imagery of encouragement for those on journeys of Social Entrepreneurship. Who do you want to encourage that is demonstrating entrepreneurial mindset to create/leverage value and serve others?
And, while this art series was designed with social entrepreneurship in mind ... aren't these stages of experiences familiar to most/all of us as we work toward our aspirations that include each of us and all of us?
When we perceive a situation, person, place or thing we have an immediate response that represents a mix of conscious and subconscious mental processes. And, if we take a second look, third look or we purposely continue noticing (i.e., cognitive reappraisals), we might see/notice/perceive what was missed before ... and if we can look through a lens of positive psychology, hope becomes visible.
When we are willing to go into the uncertainty and ambiguity of unlearning/learning and defining, creating and working toward a Bold Vision, new ideas start to form ... seeming vague and translucent at first, connections and opportunities to leverage become clearer. While there is always more to unlearn and learn ahead, that means there are also more connections and opportunities ahead. And, as we continue to develop, and work toward our Bold Vision(s), we will certainly have Meaningful Results to Celebrate along the Way.
The assertion that all humans are the same and that all humans are unique requires us to hold onto two seemingly opposed truths at the same time. Can we do it? And, can we accept that the positive changes we hope for are woven into our diverse and shared Bold Vision(s)? If we are becoming more sophisticated together over time, the art, faith and science of our emergent wisdom will be most visible to those who come after us.
When we are too far Outside our Comfort Zone with Better Questions that Could Lead to Better Answers), it might be time to slow down and find wellbeing by relaxing into this moment or even looking through/beyond this moment. In the present we can find the peace and comfort of certainty. And, when we are ready to unlearn and learn again, we can willingly go into that uncertainty and ambiguity together. You are not alone; We Really Are In This Together.
Check out Z Advocate and My Advocacy Voice to explore opportunities to create positive social change from home, at work and/or in your community ~